Monday, December 21, 2009
Memecah file berukuran besar dan menggabungkannya
Sharing File Besar Bukan Lewat Email Attachment
Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Wednesday, September 09, 2009
Free Softwares
Saturday, August 15, 2009
To run you must install .Net Framework: v2.0
"To run you must install .Net Framework: v2.0.50727 ..."
Simply, just download the Microsoft .NET Framework and install on your PC. Some cases, restart the PC is required.
My paper in the Springer LNCS
Abstract. In recent time, ultrasound imaging is a popular modality for various medical applications. The presence of speckle noise affects difficulties on features extraction and quantitative measurement of ultrasound images. This paper proposes a new method to suppress the speckle noise while attempting to preserve the image content using combination of Gaussian filter and discrete cosine transform (DCT) approach. The proposed method, called quasi-Gaussian
DCT (QGDCT) filter, is a quasi Gaussian filter in which its coefficients are derived from a selected 2-dimensional cosine basis function. The Gaussian approach is used to suppress speckle noise whereas the selected DCT approach is intended to preserve the image content. The filter will be implemented on the synthetic speckle images and the clinical echocardiograph ultrasound images.
To evaluate the effectiveness of the filter, several quantitative measurements such as mean square error, peak signal to noise ration, speckle suppression index and speckle statistical analysis, are computed and analyzed. In comparison with established filters, results obtained confirmed the effectiveness of QGDCT filter in suppressing speckle noise and preserving the image content.
Keywords: Gaussian, DCT, speckle, ultrasound image, echocardiography
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Tetanggaku positif H1N1 !!

Sunday, June 14, 2009
Happy B'day Ummi Elkis
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Malaysia gudang petir. HOUWGH...

Kejadian petir atau halilintar bertubi-tubi seperti ini memang biasa terjadi di Malaysia. Ini sejauh pengamatan saya selama tinggal lima tahun di sini. Kalau dibandingkan dengan di Solo atau Yogyakarta, rumah saya di Indonesia, petir di Malaysia lebih mengerikan baik dari segi kuantitas maupun kualitas. Jumlahnya lebih banyak dan lebih besar suara maupun kilatan cahayanya. Seperti di atas kepala.
Petir: Fenomena apa?

Petir adalah kejadian alam biasa. Bukan dewa marah, penunggu gunung batuk atau cerita-cerita khayal jaman dulu yang kadang digunakan untuk menakut-nakuti anak-anak. Petir terjadi karena perbedaan potensial antara awan dan bumi atau antar awan. Muatan pada awan terjadi karena sebagian awan bergerak dan berinteraksi secara teratur. Bila perbedaan potensial sudah cukup besar dan media memungkinkan, maka akan terjadi aliran elektron dari muatan negatif ke positif. Dan terjadilah petir.
Ingin mencoba membuat petir?
Mudah. Cukup sediakan aki atau baterai yang masih bagus. Pasang kabel pada salah satu polaritas. Kemudian sentuhkan ujung kabel yang lain pada polaritas satunya. Ingat, cukup sentuhkan, jangan ditempelkan atau disambung karena akan membakar kabel atau merusakkan baterai/aki. Nah, apa yang terjadi? CLARKK...akan timbul bunga api. Anda telah membuat petir kecil-kecilan. Memang kecil, baterai cuma 1.5 volt, sedangkan petir bisa mencapai 10 juta volt. Houwgh...
Kenapa petir terjadi sebelum/semasa hujan?
Ya, seperti saya tulis di atas, elektron perlu media untuk bisa mengalir. Nah, pada saat hujan, kandungan air di udara adalah tinggi sehingga air menjadi medium untuk memudahkan mengalirnya elektron sehingga terjadi petir.
Bagaimana dengan suara guruh?
Petir berupa kilatan, biasanya diikuti dengan suara guruh, atau gludhuk dalam Bahasa Jawa. Suara guruh terjadi karena terjadinya pemanasan yang luar biasa ketika udara dilewati petir. Bayangkan, suhu atmosfer bisa mencapai 20.000 derajat C (sekitar 3 kali suhu permukaan matahari). Wuihh..masyaAllah. Kejadian ini menghasilkan kompresi udara dan akhirnya meledak sehingga menghasilkan suara gemuruh yang tidak kalah dahsyat.
Kenapa guruh terdengar setelah kilat?
Sebenarnya peristiwa kilat dan guruh terjadi pada masa yang bersamaan. Suara guruh terdengar beberapa saat setelah terlihat kilat karena cahaya merambat lebih cepat (186.000 miles per detik) dibandingkan suara (sekitar 700 mil per jam).
NASA, badan antariksa Amerika Serikat, memetakan distribusi populasi petir seluruh dunia seperti gambar di bawah ini.

Read web/blog in other languages
Kini Om Google telah membuat fasilitas Google Translate yang bisa menerjemahkan seluruh isi halaman website Anda ke 33 bahasa. Lebih hebatnya lagi, Om Google juga menyediakan tool widget Google Translate. Caranya sangat mudah:
1. Buka website tool Google Translate
2. Pilih bahasa (asal) website Anda (STEP 1)
3. Copy kode HTML yang telah tersedia dan paste ke dalam widget website Anda. (STEM 2)
Beres! Anda akan mendapatkan widget Google Translator terpasang pada website Anda dan tulisan Anda siap dinikmati dengan berbagai bahasa.
Friday, June 12, 2009
CFP: ICA 2009 Bandung 20-22 Oct 09
The International Conference on Instrumentation, Control and Automation (ICA) is an event held in East Asia Region since 1988. ICA2009 offers researchers, engineers and professionals in this region and worldwide with excellent opportunities to get together and to exchange their findings and views in Bandung, Indonesia known as Parijs van Java (Paris of Java) and Asia-Africa Summit. All the submissions will be reviewed and accepted ones will be included in the conference proceedings. Topics of interest are in the broad area of instrumentation, control and automation, and include, but are not limited to:
Instrumentation: Measuring and Sensing, Ultrasonic, Optic, Smart Sensor, Imaging, Medical, Bio-engineering, Biology system, Safety Instrumented system, Data Fusion, Fault Diagnosis, Education
Control: PID, Linear & Nonlinear, Multivariable, Model Predictive, Robust, Network, Intelligent and Learning, Fuzzy, Neural, Process, System Theory, Hybrid & Discrete Event, Simulation, Identification & Filtering, Robotics and Motions, Signal Processing, Education
Automation: Human Machine Interaction, Instrumentation System, Process Automation, Intelligent Automation, Asset Management Systems, Manufacturing Systems, Supply Chain, Precision Motion, Simulation and Control CAD, Automation Network, Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Education
August 1, 2009 : Submission of Full Papers
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Airbus, oh... malang betul nasibmu.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Gudang ebooks: Jangan ga download !
Salah satu situs penyedia free ebooks kesukaan saya adalah GIGAPEDIA. Luengkap deh.. Anda cuma cukup 'register' dengan memasukkan login, password, valid emaid address. Beres... Ingat ya, DOWNLOAD.. JANGAN GA DOWNLOAD !

Saturday, June 06, 2009
CFP: ICSIPA 2009 Kuala Lumpur 18-19 Nov 09
Submission deadline: 30 June 2009 (Extended)
Click here for detail.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
DICTA 2009 Melbourne 1-3 Dec 09
Topics include, but are not limited to the following:
Image coding and processing
Shape and texture analysis
Surveillance, defence and industrial applications
Remote sensing and spectral imaging
Statistical and structural pattern recognition
Computer vision
Artificial intelligence
Software and hardware
Human-computer interaction
Biomedical and e-health applications
Biotechnology applications of pattern recognition
Content-based image retrieval and image databases
Video Databases and Visual Information Systems
Real world applications and emerging technologies
Important Dates
Full paper submission: 15 June 2009
Conference: 1-3 December 2009
For detail information, pls visit
Saturday, May 09, 2009
Tips: Menyelamatkan HP yang 'berenang' tercelup air
1. Setelah tercebur air, jangan coba-coba ON-kan HP karena malah bisa berakibat rangkaian menjadi konslet.
2. Segera lepaskan bateray, simcard dan cover HP. Tujuannya adalah utk menjangkau sedalam mungkin bagian HP.
3. Keringkan HP selama 2-3 hari. Cara mengeringkan bisa dengan menjemur atau menggunakan hair-dryer. HP saya ketika itu saya masukkan dalam bagasi dan mobil dipanggang di bawah terik matahari.
4. Setelah pengeringan, coba ON-kan. Dan.... thing thung... HP Anda kembali bisa digunakan.
Bila tips ini tidak mempan mengobati HP Anda, silahkan hubungi 'dokter'.... Wassalam.
Tuesday, May 05, 2009
CFP: TENCON 2009 S'Pore
TENCON is a premier international technical conference of IEEE Region 10, also referred as the Asia Pacific Region, comprises of 56 Sections, 5 Councils, 8 Sub-sections, 334 Chapters and 490 student branches. Held annually since 1980, TENCON provides an important forum for researchers and engineers from the industries, and professors and graduate students from the academia to network and to discuss new ideas and development in emerging areas of electrical and electronic engineering, computers science and related topics.
TENCON 2009 will be held in Singapore during November 23-26, 2009. The conference will feature plenary / invited talks by eminent scientists and engineers, tutorials, paper presentations, poster sessions and industrial exhibits. The main theme of the conference is related to novel and innovative technologies that bring about societal changes for good. An interesting feature of this conference is the student design contest being organized in all subject areas relevant to the conference.
The Proceedings of TENCON2009 will be included in IEEE Xplore and indexed by ISI Proceedings, EI Compendex.
For further information, please visit
Friday, March 20, 2009
How are universities ranked?
Sebagai alumni, salut deh buat UGM. Tapi sebenarnya, menurut saya yg hebat adalah 'TIM WEB UGM', bukan UGM itu sendiri. Loh kok ngono? Iyo, karena Webomatrics adalah 'world universities' ranking on the web'. Artinya Tim Web UGM telah berhasil 'memamerkan UGM' dalam dunia maya, ya to?
"Lha nek dudu ranking sing neng web, UGM ki nomer piro le?"
"Wah susah njawabnya mbak.. :-("
Sebenarnya banyak sekali ranking universitas yg dibuat oleh berbagai institusi, baik lokal maupun internasional, bisa di-refer di sini. Universitas2 di Malaysia banyak me-refer dan berusaha menaikkan ranking universitas versi THES, the Times Higher Education Supplement. Indonesia (baca: DIKTI) dengan Webomatrics-nya. Tiap-tiap versi ranking punya pendekatan masing-masing, yg meliputi criteria, indikator dan bagaimana measurement process nya.
Sebagai contoh, coba kita copy-paste criteria yg dipake oleh tiga versi peranking yg cukup dikenal: THES, Shanghai (ARWU) dan Webomatrics. Yg terakhir dipilih karena ini yg dipakai DIKTI.
Indicator | Explanation | Weighting |
Academic Peer Review | Composite score drawn from peer review survey (which is divided into five subject areas). 6,354 responses in 2008. | 40% |
Employer Review | Score based on responses to employer survey. 2,339 responses in 2008. | 10% |
Faculty Student Ratio | Score based on student faculty ratio | 20% |
Citations per Faculty | Score based on research performance factored against the size of the research body | 20% |
International Faculty | Score based on proportion of international faculty | 5% |
International Students | Score based on proportion of international students | 5% |
Detail-nya, silahkan baca di sini.
2. Shanghai (Academic Ranking of World Universities). Baca lengkap di sini.
Criteria | Indicator | Code | Weight |
Quality of Education | Alumni of an institution winning Nobel Prizes and Fields Medals | Alumni | 10% |
Quality of Faculty | Staff of an institution winning Nobel Prizes and Fields Medals | Award | 20% |
Highly cited researchers in 21 broad subject categories | HiCi | 20% | |
Research Output | Articles published in Nature and Science* | N&S | 20% |
Articles indexed in Science Citation Index-expanded, and Social Science Citation Index | PUB | 20% | |
Per Capita Performance | Per capita academic performance of an institution | PCP | 10% |
Total | 0 | 0 | 100% |
3. Webomatrics
Size (S). Number of pages recovered from four engines: Google, Yahoo, Live Search and Exalead. For each engine, results are log-normalised to 1 for the highest value. Then for each domain, maximum and minimum results are excluded and every institution is assigned a rank according to the combined sum. --> 50%
Visibility (V). The total number of unique external links received (inlinks) by a site can be only confidently obtained from Yahoo Search, Live Search and Exalead. For each engine, results are log-normalised to 1 for the highest value and then combined to generate the rank. --> 20%
Rich Files (R). After evaluation of their relevance to academic and publication activities and considering the volume of the different file formats, the following were selected: Adobe Acrobat (.pdf), Adobe PostScript (.ps), Microsoft Word (.doc) and Microsoft Powerpoint (.ppt). These data were extracted using Google and merging the results for each filetype after log-normalising in the same way as described before. --> 15%
Scholar (Sc). Google Scholar provides the number of papers and citations for each academic domain. These results from the Scholar database represent papers, reports and other academic items. --> 15%
Nah, sekarang kita bisa lihat, bagaimana mereka menentukan ranking tersebut. Sungguh sangat beda. Perbedaan criteria dan weighting sangat berpengaruh pada hasil ranking.
"Lha terus versi mana yg kita sebaiknya ikuti le?"
"Wah itu tergantung demand mas..."
Maksudnya, masa' ya UGM mo ngikuti ranking versi THES ato Shanghai, ga bakalan ketemu kalau sampeyan nyari. Buktiin di sini dan situ. Saya memahami bahwa dalam rangka 'image building', memang betul langkah DIKTI utk menggunakan versi Webomatrics, karena di versi inilah nama unversitas2 indonesia (paling tidak) muncul. Dan saya faham juga kenapa UKM selalu nge-push postgraduate students utk publish di journal impak tinggi.
Wis berhenti mbaca blog, mari kita lanjutin nulis paper utk submit ke high-impact-journal....!
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Lagi... MSc/PhD Studentship di UKM
"Vision based smart crowd surveillance system"
Supervisor: Prof Aini Hussain
- S1/S2 Teknik Elektro/Computer Science
- Punya background image processing
- Mahir Matlab & C++
- Bekerja keras & bisa bekerja sama dlm tim
Bila berminat dan memenuhi kualifikasi, silahkan kirim CV dan
transkrip nilai S1/S2 ke masimet at gmail dot com, sebelum 27
February 2009.
Tuesday, January 06, 2009
2009 New Year Prize
Special thanks to Dr Azrin for advance editing on the paper.
Detection of cardiac movement is very important subject on cardiac image analysis. Cardiologist needs an accurate motion estimation to diagnose the abnormality of cardiac. In this paper, we present the utilization of optical flow technique to estimate the myocardial motion. Then the computed motion vectors are used to provide the cardiac profile, such as its displacement and direction. The proposed implementation provides real-time movement profiles of cardiac with a precision up to 0.11 pixel / 22.50° for their displacements.
Keywords: optical flow, myocardial movement, cardiac profile, echocardiography